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Old 07-11-2007, 10:29 AM
diebitter diebitter is offline
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Default Free Universal Healthcare

I've been listening to comments about Michael Moore's new film, Sicko, and one criticism this side of the Atlantic is it tries to show UK (and other) Universal Health Care systems as fantastic. They aren't that; often there's long waits for necessary operations, there's disputes about what things are covered at the extreme ends (where care is particularly expensive and verging on cosmetic rather than health, where the person was a heavy smoker and brought it on themselves) etc.

But it isn't bad, to be fair. Emergency services are pretty good. MY son, broke his foot a few months back, we went straight to a walk-in medical centre, he got x-rayed and diagnosed, plastered, and out in less than 2 hours. All free.

He put too much weight on the plaster, and 2 days later we went back, got it redone and he was out again - less than an hour this time. All free.

I wondered what you Americans (and any others) thought about "free" universal healthcare?
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