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Old 07-09-2007, 06:02 PM
HDPM HDPM is offline
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Default Re: Different types of wealth

I think you blend them, and most people do to one extent or another. For me the interesting thing was to notice what happened when we did better in type 1. We aren't there yet, but have improved in that area in the last few years. I increasingly find it harder to spend on type 2 stuff. I have spent my share of money on stupid stuff but am finding it harder to do. I will never be a total tightwad, but some spending is making less and less sense to me.

Type 3 wealth makes more sense as a tradeoff IMO. Trading money for time and interesting experiences is to me more valuable than failing to save/invest to have nicer suits or collectible wine or something. And of course, going into debt for type 2 stuff is a real problem for people.
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