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Old 07-08-2007, 05:25 PM
pucks32 pucks32 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Someone\'s dorm room
Posts: 40
Default Limit or NL on a limited live bankroll?

I've recently turned 21 and want to start taking advantage of the juicy games at two nearby casinos. However, being a college student, I'm not sure how best to start playing on a very limited bankroll.

I've cashed out $500 from my online br to get me started, and I can probably add $100 a month from my summer job (still in college, so pretty much broke).

I'm an online no-limit player, I greatly prefer it to limit, and I know I can win more quicker playing nl. The problem is I can also go broke quicker.

The casinos I play in offer 3-100 spread limit (essentially nl with $100 buy-in, 1/3 blinds). So, should I take a shot at the 3-100 with just 5 buy ins, trying to quickly build a bankroll, or should I play 2-4 (or 3-6) limit to build up my roll? If that's the case, how high do I need to get before moving into the 3-100 game, which is what I eventually want as my main game.

Both games are full of fish, and I have the patience and discipline to play super tight in the NL game if necessary, fwiw.

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