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Old 07-08-2007, 05:19 PM
Envyme_Mvp Envyme_Mvp is offline
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Default Re: Somone Confirm This...

sounds insane, TJ wrote a similar story in the back of one of his books about a man being dealt TT with both tens accounted for. when someone knocked the deck off the table the same ruling was given, and then tens won when they should have been drawing dead.

[/ QUOTE ]

That poor soul was Al Krux, I believe this was in Bluff mag like a year ago if we're talking about the same story.
Seems kinda far fetched, esp. since the K was considered a burn since exposed and thus is dead. Wouldn't this somehow come into play, i.e. removing it and reshuffling? But then again, from my limited casino experience, the floor often makes retarded rulings so I dk...
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