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Old 07-08-2007, 12:02 AM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: Fashions you love/hate

Once again I think Katy hit the nail on the head with this statement, "Clearly we have stumbled on a fashion that girls love and men hate."

I am curious about this statement (Blarg, Boro and others)
"We're assuming our chances of running across anyone who looks like that, in those clothes or not, is pretty, *ahem*, slim."

Do all women have to be "model" thin to be considered attractive? Do you think that women are held to an almost unattainable standard of beauty?

Sorry for getting off of the fashion subject.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nah. I think it's a mistake to extend the argument to our expectations of women. It's about fashion.

If you don't look great, oh well. Fashion should be making you look better, if so -- if you're doing it right anyway.

Some of these blowsy maternity/hausfrau type blouses can do that somewhat by covering up what you've got too much of. But they could probably also do it without looking so exceptionally dreary and absent of style.

And if you are in good shape, you don't really add anything by wearing stuff that's either dumpy or makes you look like you've got something to hide.
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