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Old 07-07-2007, 09:49 PM
captain2man captain2man is offline
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Default ruling needed...

This happened in my regular home game after I left...but this is how the situation was described to me but a trustworthy friend who wasn't involved in the described hand.

Card pitched to a player is thrown a little sloppily - it doesn't turn over completely - but just flips up a little bit. Someone asks if anyone saw what the card player says, "I think it was a 5"...another player says, "I think it was an Ace"....another player says, "I'm pretty sure it was black."

The player who received the card says, "You're all wrong - let's play the hand."

Pre-flop, this player raises. He gets re-raised - and he all goes all-in.

He turns up pocket Aces - with one of the Aces being the Ace of Spades.

His aces hold up & he wins the pot.

Player who loses the pot is furious of course & says that the Ace of Spades should have been a dead card. Player who had the ace said no one called out the card exactly & no one was even too sure that what they were calling out was correct anyway.

We're all friends - so nothing more than a little cursing being thrown around....but it seems to me that this shouldn't have been allowed to stand & that the player who had the ace would have been better off saying nothing at all - rather than saying "You're all wrong" when, in fact, his card WAS an ace and WAS black.

Just wondering how this would be handled in a casino tournament situation.

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