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Old 03-03-2006, 03:46 PM
Wynton Wynton is offline
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Default Re: Countering the Chronic 3-bettor


You steal so much more than me (I think I'm in the low-mid 30s) that I wonder how much that affects your entire game/image.

In other words, I assume that your game is synchronized enough so that you are fully aware of your image from stealing 43% or so, which allows you to earn money in different ways than someone like me, who steals considerably less. And if this is the case, I wonder whether it's worth it for you to tone down your steal frequency, even against a chronic 3-better; for by doing so, perhaps you will have a different image, limiting some of your usual opportunities (albeit while opening up others).

One other point: are these opponents who concern you frequently 3-betting everyone, or focusing their 3-bets on you, in an attempt to quell your aggression?
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