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Old 07-07-2007, 03:52 PM
PokeReader PokeReader is offline
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Default Re: Yet another tent fiasco

The Series reminds me on a smaller level of this horrible training convention I was at. The Dem. party must have negoicated some super low price, because they treated us like crap. There was this dinner, they always had a salad, cheap, then there was a baked potatoe, then there was all this crap to put on it, bacon and cheese and stuff, I was like nah, then I get to the end, more potaoes. That was it, a potatoe for dinner. Lots of potatoe famine jokes, the worst part is some of the pollsters and consultants had managed to get sushi in. Was not happy. Last day as we were checking out, (at which point out seminars were no longer in the hotel, but the extension across the street, the still under construction extension across the street), AT&T was coming in. Ice scupture, receiving line, string quartet, those hotels know who they give a **** about and who they don't, and we are on the wrong list folks.
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