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Old 07-05-2007, 08:14 PM
ChicagoRy ChicagoRy is offline
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Default Re: $110 NLTRN River Decision

The tough part of this hand for me was the river. I thought my line up until there was fine given all my reads.

I felt there was a lot in his range on that turn raise mainly a king or a 6. It could be a straight obviously but I think I'm getting the odds here and I don't think he really ever shows up with a flush draw. He could conceivably have Xd6d but I don't think he's going to raise the turn here with that kind of hand. He might, however.

When calling the turn I was thinking "I should lead out for 500 on my hit river, I think he's going to call with a lot of one pair hands, especially with the flush hitting."

I decided to check and he checked behind and flipped AA and I wondered about the river. I don't think it was necessarily results oriented either, I think there's room for some sort of profitable semi-thin bet on this river against this player.

Anyways, it seems I've been taking the wrong hands too far and not firing enough with my better hands at times, so I was curious to know what everyone thought of this hand.

I'd like to hear what Cwar and Hokie think of this hand (obviously Hokie was leveling) as I think they are two of the better regular posters in the forum, but I respect most everybody's opinion who posted and thank you for it.

Edit: And back to the river, this just popped into my head. At the time I was thinking he will only shove the extra that I don't bet with a better straight or a flush on rivers, and that convinced me to check call and see if he'll bluff the river (which didn't really seem great IMO bc he's not a maniac if he sees I called his raise on this board I doubt he's value betting/bluffing much here that I beat). So I was kind of stuck in between here, got indecisive and went with a check.
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