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Old 07-05-2007, 10:44 AM
baiter baiter is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: NYC
Posts: 39
Default Re: Poker finally legalized in Quebec

They use "normal" cards in Paris, but in Montreal they use French cards (R=KING, D=QUEEN, V=JACK). BTW, a really cool thing they do in Montreal is give out free used playing cards - after they punch a small hole through them. They are really top-quality and the R, D, V thing is cool - really it's not hard to adjust.

And yeah, people are making too big a deal of the language issue. I guarantee ever poker room employee will be bilingual and both English and French will be spoken at the table. The fact that most of us will not understand what a few people are saying amongst themselves is only a minor annoyance, not really a big deal at all...

Anyone have more concrete info on when the poker room is opening @ Casino Montreal?
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