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Old 07-05-2007, 05:28 AM
BIG BIRD 504 BIG BIRD 504 is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 19

A few weeks ago, I was drunk coming back from Baton Rouge and felt the need to have a little fried chicken at 4am, so I stopped at the gas station a block from my house here in NEw Orleans....Well as I'm walking back to my car this crackhead approaches me and asks for some change...I am nice to him and tell him I have nothing..He keeps pestering me and approaches me as I'm nearing the door of my truck, feeling a slight bit threatened combined with the street knowledge I've gained and the 20 years of boxing I have I tell him "Ok let me give you your change" then I act as if I am reaching into my pocket and pull out a BIG FAT LEFT HOOK TO HIS BODY !!!!!! That crack head lost all of his breath and was stumbling around, as I drive off I throw a dime at him and tell him "Here's your change!!" ...Ever since that episode the guys at the Iranian market call me "CHamp"
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