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Old 07-04-2007, 01:43 AM
BPMaR BPMaR is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 72
Default Re: Hand Quiz - The Ol\' C-bet Min-Check/Raise

I havent looked at any replies so my answers probably will seem noobish. but what the hell.

1. I call because hes giving me more than 4:1 and I probably put him on a set or AQ, and will pay me off if a 7 comes, so my implied odds arent bad, also another heart might fall on turn giving me more outs.

2. tough one cuz villain has a big range I would just call, if turn I pair I asume I'm ahead but play real careful, he could make 2 pair or have big pair, if club comes depends on his action , he checks I check behind hoping to flush for free.

3. Fold

4. Fold, I like to win small pots with these unless I can draw to the nuts. If he's raising a draw, good for him.

Now I'll read what everyone else replied

Edit: dam I missed villains low Aggression factor in hand 2, thought he was more agg.
My answers are diferent than most peoples This proves I definitely need to learn some more poker.
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