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Old 07-03-2007, 11:19 AM
hasanthadon hasanthadon is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 44
Default Re: MacUser - What to do?

i have a macbook and i run parallels on it with pokertracker and PAHUD

it doesnt work well.

even with my upgraded 2gb of ram, and even with almost every application closed, the fan goes CRAZY loud when i run parallels and the macbook gets REALLY hot. but thats not the end of the world.

what DOES suck is the fact that the PAHUD stats are so awkwardly placed on the tables because of the weird resolutions that Parallels uses. even in full screen mode i cant get the PAHUD stats to display properly... unless i resize it JUST right... in which case i can only have two tables open, and im used to playing 10NL 4 tables...

i dont know if windows users have the problem im having, but its a pain in the butt and while i can use pokertracker to keep track of my stats, using PAHUD sucks... even though it would be so helpful if i could use it. does anyone konw of any alternative software that might work better?
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