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Old 07-03-2007, 08:31 AM
ama0330 ama0330 is offline
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Default Re: 50NL - Minbet wtf??? Doing Heads

When faced with this kind of play I very rarely shove/raise as a bluff. It sometimes results in a fold but the minbet shove line really is just such a common occurrence - its like the "retards trap" - they think they are being trappy and xprt but its just so stupid.

So for example. You raise AQ in MP and miss the flop, villain minbets into you and has like 1/2 a stack left. Well here I will basically just call getting 10:1 and try and catch my overcard. Why raise when he stacks off with mid pair? Failing that, I'll just call his minbets to showdown and see if my ace is good. If its not, so what, I get a sick read.

In the hand you posted, the raise is fine but its for value. I stack off pretty light (TPGK) against this kind of player but I never bluff-raise.
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