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Old 07-03-2007, 02:41 AM
JohnnyGroomsTD JohnnyGroomsTD is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 141
Default Re: Fire Jack Effel Now!!!!

Hello all,
I have refrained from posting here lately, as it just adds fuel to the fire. I have read various complaints, issues, problems, stories, and other things here that i will neither comment on or speculate about.

What I will comment on is the endless trashing of a guy who always did a good job as my assistant and co-director. The negative commentary on Jack is frustrating to me. Having been in that position, and knowing the issues he is dealing with, I wish, just once, many of his detractors would get the opportunity to experience the pressures of that position for one day. Not a hard day, like four or five events going, day one, or day one of the main event. Just a normal day. Jack is by no means doing a perfect job, as no tournament director at the WSOP has ever done a perfect job. Managing a staff that size and being responsible for every mistake or problem is the hardest thing I have ever endured an any capacity. He will not receive credit for any positives, and will be scapegoated for every bad situation or decision that happens. I am sure ENE will read this and pass along a hello to Jack for me. He and I had a conversation a week ago and talked a little about the Series this year. My comment to him was "Heavy is the head that wears the crown." I echo Matt's comment that many don't understand the difficulty of that position, and I wish Jack and the WSOP staff well for the remaining events.

I do have one other thing to add. There was a post about the circumstances of the "release" of myself, Ken , and Jack. I do not remember it working out that way, and am shocked to learn that anyone other than an executive who still works at the WSOP was responsible for that decision, or that any employee below the executive level was privvy to a meeting that basically relieved the TD, the director of OPs for the WSOP, and the assistant TD of their duties. As for the decision on the 19 stacks, that was specifically and unequivically not a decision made by Ken Lambert. No dead stacks were left in play at all. Every stack not having a name assigned to it was removed by myself, Janis Sexton, or Jack Effel. The names of those players were kept on a list, along with table and seat numbers of no-shows picked up. I addressed this in my post on rgp 2 years ago. The only person that ever countermanded a decision I made was not Ken. He respected my opinion enough to let my decisions on operations stand. I was overruled on some occasions by a Harrah's executive. I also ate a $9,000 mistake by my staff, as per the same exec. So be it.

Please, stop the Jack-bashing.

Johnny Grooms
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