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Old 07-02-2007, 11:20 PM
ShakeZula06 ShakeZula06 is offline
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Default Re: Politics Forum Split

Are you kidding me shake?

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How many threads about other issues are hijacked with Nielsio's "Are they're any jackbooted bearded people I can vote for" comments.

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I do see those some times, but it rarely hijacks discussion. However, I'm fine with making it against forum rules to do that.
And how many threads about current bills or house/senate debates get hit with "Well why don't we just scrap the whole thing".

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Whole thing meaning government, or the bill? I don't see much on government, and what's wrong with debating the merits of getting rid of law or being against a bill? ACism is just economic conservatism and social liberalism, should we bar both these views from a current events forum?
I know the ACists love it, hell I enjoy those threads, but whenever anything current is brought up, it still falls right into "AC v. Statism" debates.

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As I said, I don't notice this but if it is prevelant, make it against the rules. No need to split up an already low trafficed forum.