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Old 07-02-2007, 05:19 PM
vendbien vendbien is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 52
Default Re: Fire Jack Effel Now!!!!

10 & 8. Do have proof (saw it with my own eyes), but there are legal ramifications to consider.
10. Specifically did NOT include Johnnie Grooms ( you should read closer).
8. In both 2005 and 2006, Effel arrived approximately 3-4 days in advance of the first event of those WSOP's with all procedures laid out and department policies already finished except for those last minute preps that had already been determined. He then spent much of this time at fancy restaurants and chasing cocktail waitresses - even though he was married.
7. He WAS specifically in charge of those procedures that created all of the problems, and when not, should have known they were boottlenecks and snafus and pointed them out (as we did in '05 and '06).
6. OK, don't have to expand on this one... we agree
5. Not enough room on this site to list all of the incidents in detail... let's just call it 20+ - which is why people do not have confidence in his quick, questionable decisions.
4. Again, we agree.
3. AGAIN, we agree
2. See #4... he shouldn't have been there in the first place.
...and #1...
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