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Old 07-02-2007, 04:09 PM
TheEngineer TheEngineer is offline
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Default Positive Newspaper Op-eds

GAMBLING...GOLD RUSH? A congressional push last year stopped many Americans from playing the games online, but the law may be changed (The Chronicle, 07/02/07)

A bill before Congress that would legalize Internet gambling in the United States has American companies poised on the sidelines, waiting to capitalize on a potentially humongous new market.

The bill, the Internet Gambling Regulation and Enforcement Act, was introduced by Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., in April. Congressional hearings on the feasibility of the bill were held in early June....

Online gambling issue is matter of personal freedom (Miami Herald, 7/2/07)

Like countless other responsible, adult Americans, I enjoy spending some leisure time playing online poker. Likewise, as an American poker player, I have been riveted to unfolding events in Congress as they relate to my hobby, since the game I enjoy, which was created in this country, is under attack.

The Couch Slouch: Try as it might, government can't stop people from gambling online (Seattle Post-Intelligencer)

LAS VEGAS -- Across the desert they've swarmed again -- in their 20s and in their twilight, card sharpies and card novices, doctors and patients, house painters and housewives, teachers and students, plus dropouts from all walks of still life -- thousands upon thousands thrill-seeking millions of dollars at the World Series of Poker.

They love to gamble.

Alas, the government doesn't want them to gamble.....
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