Thread: free Nate
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Old 07-02-2007, 03:07 PM
Montalvo Montalvo is offline
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Default Re: free Nate


Whether I or anybody else other than Mason thinks Nate went too far doesn't really matter much, this is Mason's site and he can do whatever he wants.

I am a grammar/spelling nit in real life, not so much on the forums. I own many 2p2 books. I happen to agree that they often contain awkward phrasing and unclear language, and often have room for improvement from an editorial standpoint. However, this is true of many books, magazine articles, newspaper articles, etc. currently on the market. Would I like my 2p2 books more if they were more clearly written? Of course. Would it change my ability to learn from them? Probably not, because I can usually figure out what the author is trying to say. The writing/editing would have to get pretty bad for me to not purchase a 2p2 book.

HOWEVER - I probably spend at least two hours every day reading the forums on this site. This is because I enjoy reading the OT forums, as well as learning from excellent posters like Nate in the strategy forums.

When you ban solid posters, you reduce the quality of the site. This makes me not want to visit ==> you lose page views ==> you lose revenue. In addition, if I stop visiting the site, I don't learn about new 2p2 books ==> you lose book sale revenue.

This is Mason's site, and he can do what he wants. If he wants to lose revenue, that's his business.

My vote - Free Nate.