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Old 07-02-2007, 01:26 PM
Briman51 Briman51 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 53
Default Re: 25nl KTs vs flop donk

I'm not a massive fan of the preflop raise, maybe from the button, but I'm mostly calling here.

Apart from that I think you played it perfectly. You don't want to be reraising here as you're raise will make him fold his bluffs with ace high and lower poket pairs. You'll get called by KQ, or KJ. Additionally, if he is betting a flush draw he's unlikely to put it down to a raise as you'd have to make it really large to not give him the implied odds to call.

A final thought, he could have hit a set on this flop. The preflop action justifies this. As does his bet on the flop, hoping you'll raise him with a K and not giving you a free card with a flush draw. His check on the turn also, makes this look like a possible hand, as, ofcourse does the value bet on the river.

One problem you have with calling is that you have less information on him, this makes it harder to play correctly on later streets. But in this instance I prefer your decision to keep the pot size small over defining the hand.

What diid he have?
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