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Old 07-02-2007, 10:45 AM
morny morny is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 81
Default Re: New Software: Holdem Manager

Excellent Stuff, if its half as good as it sounds then im bought and sold.

I posted this on the PO and PT suggestions forum. You see to have alot of complicated stats so maybe you already have something similar but if not would you consider having this one: (Ive just copied and pasted from another forum so ignore any references to PO or PO stats)

Currently we have the stats Agression which reefers to Flop, Turn and River. Its calculated using a formula similar to this:


So basically if some is raising and betting more than there calling theyll have a high agression stat and someone who calls too often will have a low agression stat. This helps us disguinish between a passive and an aggressive player on each street.

However lets compare 2 scenarios:

Player 1 bets every single pot and re-raises half the time. He usually bets the full pot and Re Raises 4 times the original raise.

Player 2 bets every single pot and re-raises half the time. He usually min raises and min re-raises.

Both players would have the same or very similar Aggression stats which are not a true reflection

So my additional stat to work alongside agression would be pot strength %. This would be calculated something on the lines of:

% of pot bet

so for example of the other 2 players above say the pot was $10 on the flop and the blinds were $1/$2 then player 1 would have bet the pot and he would be awarded a 100% pot strength

Player 2 min betted into the pot i.e $2 so he bet 1/5th of the pot so he would get a pot strength of 20%

Now to really make the stat useful i would also have a further filtered stat where it would calculate the pot strength when he won at showdown. This would obviously be useful as we want to see how he bets hes good hands. Maybe someone min raises or makes small bets with marginal hands but when he hits a hand he bets full pot hes pot strength % might be 35% but hes Pot Strength When Won At Showdown might be 80%, as soon as we see this lad betting close to the pot we can assume hes hit something decent.

I think this stat would be much more useful on the turn and river than on the flop as continuation bets and small flop pots might distort the flop pot strength % but it would definetly be a great stat for the turn and river.

Of course the above formula might need tweaking as the idea might but it has the potential to become a very useful stat. I would maybe add a condition filter for the turn and river aswell something like this:

If Pot Size >=14 bb

% of pot Bet ((Size of Bet / Pot Size) * 100


So this would ignore small unraise pots where someone checks the flop and bets 60c on the turn into a 60c pot which looks strong but isnt and in essence it would only record results if the pot was a reasonable size. I would probably be in favour of not having this stat at all on the flop.

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