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Old 07-01-2007, 07:12 PM
awakuni awakuni is offline
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 41
Default Re: need help to beat my home game

here are the basics: its usually a full table with 3 or 4 loose passive, 3 or 4 tight aggressive and 2 or 3 loose aggressive. players generally make basic mistakes: call draws without the right price, stack off their chips with one pair, play mediocre hands out of position (those are just the ones off the top of my head) oh, and they also drink a lot.

there is not a lot of flop play, everything seems to be determined pre-flop. and generally if somebody hits a part of the flop they will continue to stay in the hand unless the betting is huge.

i understand that poker is a situational game and a lot of things are read-based but lately i've just become frustrated with my inability to capitalize on other people's mistakes. i'm just looking for some ideas, or maybe a mindset to help me.
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