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Old 07-01-2007, 03:23 AM
SuitedSixes SuitedSixes is offline
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Default Re: Marrying a Girl From a Different Culture

My long sordid story has been detailed on many of the sub-forums here, but my ex-wife is from Mexico and I can say that the cultural differences are the #1 reason we are now divorced.

When we met she did not speak any English, so as she learned our conversations were limited to the boundaries of our vocabularies. There were many times I skipped over a conversation just because I was unsure of how to say a key word in the topic. As time developed, she became fluent in English.

Entering the marriage neither of us has any appreciation of how tough it would be to make a house out of two different upbringings. I mistakenly assumed that because she wanted to live in America that she would instantly become American and reject all desire to associate with the language, music, televison, etc. of her native country.

I tell people that we get along almost enough to be married. We have a wonderful bi-lingual daughter, but as we were leaving the court room after a divorce I said, "Sorry that didn't work out," and she said, "Sorry my parents are Mexican."
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