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Old 06-29-2007, 01:23 PM
John Kilduff John Kilduff is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 1,903
Default Re: Senate blocks immigration bill

Congress is not representing the will of majority America on many issues, so why presume it would do so on this issue? Didn't someone post a poll in another thread showing that most Americans want better enforcement of existing immigration laws and fewer overall immigrants?

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I won't comment on "majorities", but the thought that support for tougher immigration standards in the US is universally held sounds downright false to me.

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Who said anything about "universally held"? Only you.

Placing allegiance to your ethnicity above allegiance to America does equal disloyalty to America.

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Your standard for judging whether or not someone is "loyal to America" is whether or not they support tougher immigration standards and/or enforcement of the current laws.

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Not quite, but maybe I should rethink my standard.

To me, it's rather amazing that you seem to have such great difficulty with my reasoning in virtually every thread whereas many others usually do not.

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I can't speak for others, so I won't comment on how others judge "your reasoning", but yes, it's true, I find you to be generally moronic in most instances. So you need no longer be amazed when I have great difficult with your reasoning.

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Is the bolded what is considered a personal attack?

I believe I've addressed you respectfully and rationally at every turn. I'll mention now that I don't feel that that has been reciprocated. Well, the best I can do for you from this point forward will be to genuinely pray for you, and that I promise to do.

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MMMMMM, try as you might, your transparent condescension-in-the-form-of-faux-politeness never ceases to amuse me.

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For the third time, I am not some other poster. I'm also not trying to be condescending in the least (and incidentally, you called me moronic, not the other way around. Is that condescending?)

I once thought you were a new poster who came out of nowhere and seemed to have the odd urge to argue with me at every turn. It seems you've been here longer than I have, though. Frankly, I am a bit surprised they let posters attack one another and act sarcastically and whatnot to such an extent. But no matter, really.

Do you actually think it's "condescending" when someone offers to pray for you? Someone offered to pray for me last night (indeed he already had) and it warmed my heart. Are you really, really that deeply cynical, always? I'll take any and all prayers I can get, seriously. Do you never feel an urge to talk with God? It's not possible to write this on the internet without it sounding trite, I guess, but cynicism must hurt the possessor most of all.

What does it take to bring out the best in you? I've genuinely tried in multiple posts to reach your good side but apparently in vain.

Thanks for reading.
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