Thread: Cambrian
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Old 06-29-2007, 11:25 AM
Bill Haywood Bill Haywood is offline
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Default Re: Cambrian

My question wasn't about proof of evolution. Darwin virtually said the Cambrian disproved his theory, Darwinism. So are you saying Darwin was wrong about himself? Was he a nut?

[/ QUOTE ]

You cannot reduce the question to just the Cambrian without doing violence to the issue.

This is about considering all the evidence, not just one slice. Darwin, being honest, accepted that the Cambrian was anomalous, but mountains of other evidence supported evolution.

It's as if I asked you, "doesn't the set of transitional whale fossils prove creationism is false?" And you would rightly say, that's just one section of evidence, we need to look at the forest as well as the trees. The way you constructed your original query sets up your conclusion.

Your OP seemed sensible enough, but now it looks like you are falling into the game of "let's only consider the gaps in the evolutionary record, and none of the affirmative evidence." That's how all the crank theories work -- JFK assassination, 911, Holocaust denial, and creationism.

If one person claims the existence of a mountain, and another shows an altitude measurement from a valley, we do not conclude there is no mountain. We figure out how the valley measurement came to be.

The passage provided by Chezlaw is very appropo, you should consider it carefully.
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