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Old 06-29-2007, 10:30 AM
oracle3001 oracle3001 is offline
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Default Re: New Software: Holdem Manager

I don't think we will hear anything PT/PA HUD until this thing is actually released and reviews start to come in. There has been competition to these programs before and none have really managed to get any market share. But in my opinion none have looked anywhere near as well thought out and feature rich as this one.

Besides they might have the attitude that inertia may keep people using PT regardless of this new product. I reckon the vast majority of people (even mid stakes players) simply track there win/loses, look at their VPIP/PFR and replay at the odd hand. And for PA HUD just have the standard HUD up there, with the odd extra stat.

For those kind of people, are they going to be willing to shell out another $100-150, who know the answer to that. I think it depends a lot of how this new product is received.

I floated the idea of a major overhaul of the PT (PT v3 if you like) a little while ago on the PT forums. I stated the need for stuff like 3-betting, faster importing etc etc for serious players. I suggested that this could be funded by an upgrade fee (along the lines that PO did 12-18 months ago), and gradual removal of support for PT v2. The response with pretty much silence.
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