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Old 06-29-2007, 10:26 AM
wacki wacki is offline
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Default Re: Do you really believe in climate change? Gambling and global warmi


Wouldn't such an exercise be pretty useful in determining whether or not the advocates of such predictions actually believe they will occur?

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Pretty much all of the leading skeptics (that actually have a relevant degree) have claimed that there will either be global cooling or some counter consensus variation in front of a camera or infront of Congress. Despite making proud claims that they will bet money they (skeptics with relevant degrees e.g. Lindzen, Gray, Michaels, etc) have all backed down when approached. When election season comes I fully expect some of them to change their mind. I expect the ones with the closest ties to Exxon, CEI, API, etc will be the first to switch. Either that or we will see some irrelevant professor of marketing or anthropology come out of nowhere and make bets. This election season will probably be the last election where the oil industry has a reasonable shot with their denial tactics.
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