Thread: Cambrian
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Old 06-29-2007, 05:38 AM
Lestat Lestat is offline
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Default Re: Cambrian

Well, I can't give a qualified answer, but I love the subject and will chime in with (what I think) I know.

I'm not sure the Cambrian explosion is the gap from single cell to today's body plans. I thought it was a gap in the actual fossil record itself. If I'm correct...

It's my understanding that we should actually *expect* such a gap. A single fossil is a small miracle in itself. Many things have to happen just right for a fossil to form. The fact is, we are lucky to even have the fossil records that we do.

If the Cambrian explosion is as you describe, it's not hard to imagine how it may have taken considerably longer for life to move ahead from single cells to the next few steps. There's not much to work with from a simple single cell. As a single evolved to a double, then triple and so on, evolution picked up speed.

I wonder if a barren field of dirt might be a good example. It takes a while for a few grass plants to pop up. Then as one becomes two, etc. the whole field quickly fills in.

Or maybe a pot of boiling water. It takes almost forever to bubble. Then one or two, then the whole pot thing is going crazy with energy.

I'm talking out of my ass here, so wait for Borodog or (can't remember the names of the other few very knowledgable posters on evolution). But it makes sense to me that as things multiply, their entire process gathers more speed and energy. I like thinking about this subject, so forgive me for speculating. It's fun for me and I'm making the disclaimer that I'm far from an expert.

Btw- When he takes the position that God engaged in special creation at various times... Does he state on what basis he is staking this position on? And does it have anything to do with science? Or is it just his personal feeling?
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