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Old 06-28-2007, 06:42 PM
nextgenneo nextgenneo is offline
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Default brag: Michael Greco told me he was gonna kick my ass

<font color="red">WARNING: Greco is a D list celebrity at best and may only be known to English readers</font>

So after dinner today I thought I'd play some $2/$5 down at the Wynn to unwind. I sat down and to my right was none other than Michael Greco. I recognized him but didn't actually remember who he was. For those who may have forgot here is a pic:

You may remember him from Eastenders and he supposedly shagged Jordan and Lindsay Lohan.

So anwyway, he asks me where I am from and I tell him. Ask him where he is from because I didn't realize who he was (thats how big of a celeb he is). Then a hand comes where I raise the CO with A2o and 2 barrel a JxxK board and he folds. I show my A2 because I show all my bluffs live to build my image. He says nothing.

Next hand a German TAG 2p2er opens the hijack, I 3b with AQo from the CO and Greco insta flats from the btn, 2p2er also calls. Flop Kxx, German checks, I check and Greco fires $250 overbet into like a $160 pot. At this point I figure he might be on tilt but he also might be repping tilt and play AK like this so I fold. He shows 42o for no pair no draw and says something like:

"If you show me a bluff I am gonna get pissed off and then I am going to end up taking all your money you little prick."

I tell him to not get upset about a bluff on 2/5 etc and the banter goes on for a while. He is clearly really really mad and starts tilting and saying I am the biggest prick in the card room, a little punk kid, no respect etc etc. At this point I ask for a floor person to come over and calm him down and eventually he shuts the [censored] up and we get on with it. A little later my friend Mark comes over to ask how the game is going and I say:

"Its pretty tight but there is this one massive [censored] [Mike Hunt] on the table, but I can't tell you who because he might hear."

I say this loud and Greco obv heres. The exchanges go back and forth and an hour later I cash out. As I am by the cashiers desk he goes to cash out and starts calling me a fat prick and telling me if I ever call him a [censored] he is going to have me etc. Starts pointing at his eyes and saying he knows who I am and is going to be waiting outside. I just keep saying "Okay Beppe" [English reference] and I think I called him a [censored] which made him go even more mad and security actually had to semi hold him back. All in all it was a big scene at the cardroom and I was told he would be waiting outside. What a [censored] grade F celebrity with an ego problem.

Anyways, he wasn't waiting outside and I was up about $100 off him so its all good. Later in the evening this guy from Alabama in Bally's started calling me, and my two mates European [censored] and went on huge huge monkey tilt shoving about 8 hands preflop blind. Long story short, viva Las Vegas!
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