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Old 06-28-2007, 02:35 PM
yoyoyo yoyoyo is offline
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 52
Default Re: Chris Benoit and Wife found dead

keep living in your fantasy land guids. keep taking your creatine and your protein powders and all the other garbage supplement companies sell and maybe one day you will be the big and ripped. lol

of course guys in the 60s werent at the same level as guys of today. bodybuilders today are at 2+ grams a week of everything. just like anything else, the limits keep getting pushed. just because arnold and franco werent at the insane levels of today, doesnt mean they werent on alot of stuff. they had test, they had dbol, and they took pretty much anything else they could get. to claim someone today could get their t-levels to the level of arnold and franco naturally by using "science" is laughable. its completely ignorant and makes you look extrememly foolish.

and by the way, the max you will ever see as far as dbol goes even today is around 100mg a day. even at 5mg pills, it wouldnt be hard to hit that daily for arnold and franco.
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