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Old 06-28-2007, 06:18 AM
PokeReader PokeReader is offline
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Default Re: yet another police brutality post

There are alot of places that are oddly anti- skateboarding. Every police force I am aware of bans choke holds, as they can quickly cause death with active resistance of subject. If the officer feels that he is in danger, he is to strike the main body mass with the baton until he gains compliance. However, this would be totally considered overuse of force for a NON-VIOLENT misdemeanor, which in this case I would assume is in the nature of a traffic citation. If the officer was not capable of citing all the youths, it was not neccessary to gain physical control of them. As it seemed to be a small town, he just should have noted their names if he knew them, or their descriptions, and could have identified them later at school and still had his job. I have skated at places where it is technically not "legal", because it had really great trick set-ups or was really convinient, and I don't really understand why in places that allow rollerblading, biking, walking, and everything else, are so insanely prejudgiced against skateboading?
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