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Old 06-28-2007, 03:52 AM
flytrap flytrap is offline
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Default Re: NL200 on Full Tilt. My KK runs into heat on a monchrome board.

If possible, I'd like a bit more in depth analysis of a strategy I've been trying on hands like this. A few people touched on it. It's fairly tough to get value on such scary board like this, and I may get semi-bluffed off the best hand. Since I 3-bet he likely thinks I've got a solid hand, and if I bet and get called/raised and the flop or turn, I'm usually behind. He's not going to call down with many worse hands. Therefore, by checking the flop, I'm setting myself up for future value bets, or bluff pickoffs on the hand, since he wouldn't expect me to play KK like this. FWIW, I sometimes play the same if I have AA or KK with the flush draw. I'm sure this outlook isn't new to a lot of people, but it's a strategy that I haven't used a lot until now. I'm realizing that giving a free card that can cost you the pot can sometimes be worth it if it leads to excess action when safe cards fall. Thoughts?
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