Thread: N82's blog post
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Old 06-27-2007, 07:05 PM
curtains curtains is offline
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Default Re: N82\'s blog post

Yeah ok but let's be honest that there is absolutely no chance that someone is going to jail and paying 6 figure fines if they had 10k in neteller for a little bit, paid taxes on it and etc etc.

I mean yeah it's nice to send the form, but why scaremonger everyone with talk of huge fines and jailtime. This is what the IRS does that gets everyone on this forum paranoid beyond belief. Just pay your taxes and you aren't going to jail. If someone can show me a single example of someone who did pay their taxes but went to prison for it anyway due to a technicality please let me know, and then I take back everything I've ever said about this kind of thing.
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