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Old 06-27-2007, 06:58 PM
asterion asterion is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Las Cruces, NM
Posts: 52
Default Re: Fire Jack Effel Now!!!!

its defamation, not deformation.

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I thought it was Sommerfeld???

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I mis-typed when spelling Defamation, not like any of you haven't done it before!

And.......Jimmy's last name is Sommerfeld not Sommerfield, care to take that bet????????

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He was making a joke (as was I) because you went out of your way to correct a small spelling mistake of someone's name. Then you made a similar mistake, so I corrected that to show you how nitty you are being. Plus you didnt make a spelling mistake, you just didnt know the word and probably said "deformation of character" in real life conversations where people were too embarrassed to correct you.

[/ QUOTE ]And whoever this person is (and I freely admit I have no idea, nor do I particularly care) doesn't understand defamation ( libel or slander.) In the United States, truth is an absolute defense. If it is true that two of the women in that photograph have slept with Jack Effel (and again, I don't know or particularly care), no defamation has occurred.

So, the poster apparently doesn't understand that part of tort law nor does the poster apparently understand what the First Amendment of the Constitution actually means. This is a private forum. The Constitution does not apply.

So, why should I believe anything said poster says about Jack Effel, Harrah's, or the WSOP?
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