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Old 06-27-2007, 06:48 PM
Nielsio Nielsio is offline
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Default Re: Electron microscope analysis of steel spheres from WTC site

Any science-buffs care to comment on this?


Jones detailed his lab experiments in which he attempted to replicate NIST's conclusion that the lava like orange material flowing out of the south tower is aluminum from Flight 175, the plane that hit the building. Jones clearly documents the fact that liquid aluminum is silver and not orange as is seen in the video of the south tower, therefore the material cannot be aluminum. Jones then explains that the material is in fact a compound that can cut through steel like a hot knife through butter, thermite with sulphur added to make thermate.

The crux of the fresh evidence revolves around newly uncovered globules or spheres that were discovered at the WTC site that Professor Jones was able to obtain and run a electron microscope analysis on.

The spheres contained iron and aluminum, which would be expected in any steel sample, but also sulphur which is a by-product of a thermate reaction.


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The important bit is at 48 minutes.

If you don't want to talk science, take your cynicism elsewhere.

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Latest update & findings here:

Prof. Steven Jones summarizes Vancouver keynote address
(9m32s, Jun 26)

Basically: we have different independent researches of multiple dust samples having the same conclusions (based on the findings of these iron-rich spheres), namely the temperatures reached throughout the buildings, being as high as 1750 C, whereas with the aided help of jet fuel the fires only caused a theoretical maximum air temperature of 1150 C.

This is a huge enomaly to the fire-collapse theory.

On the other hand, explosives and incendiaries produce exactly such temperatures and by-products.

Check out the video for Prof. Jones elaborating on the findings.
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