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Old 06-27-2007, 04:38 PM
UATrewqaz UATrewqaz is offline
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Default Re: Ask a Strip Club Bouncer..

I've lived in Atlanta 4 years now and have been to most of the strip clubs, some are very nice, high class, with very, very hot clean women (the Cheetah comes to mind) however these are also the ones where you better bring at least $200 if you wanna have even a decent time.

There are of course those skank ass dive places too.

The middle ground ones are you usually your best bet. There is a place called Mardi Gras in the northwest that is very nice. Laid back, most of the chicks are pretty hot and fun. You can have a great time for $50-$100.

That having been said, strip clubs are full of seedy people. The strippers, the owners, the bartenders, and the bouncers. Two of my good friends got screwed over by a stripper/bouncer at one club. The long version: They bought a VIP room with a girl for $150 for the two of them for like 20 minutes or something like that, after they had paid and were about to go in the chick informed the bouncer that something had come up (an emergency) and she had to leave. Obviously my friends wanted their money back, they were given $80 back and they were like "We paid $150" and the bouncer just shrugged his shoulders at them and it was basically "tough"

I also witnessed an incident where a stripper asked a guy who she was talking to for $20 out of the blue and said if he didn't give it to her she'd have him thrown out. He refused, she called over the bouncer, and sure enough the guy was escorted out.

The people who work at strip clubs basically see you as a mark and $$$, go and enjoy yourself, but be on your guard.
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