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Old 06-27-2007, 02:48 PM
eastcoaster eastcoaster is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 162
Default Re: bad running shoes for my knees?

New Balance offers (or used to offer) the most sizes for feet width. (This claim was made some time ago, though, so there may be other brands that have as many, or more, now). This is important for comfort, especially for bigger runners. The reason is because, when a heavier bodied runner plants their foot, the additional body weight actually makes the foot expand a little wider than the same size foot on a lighter bodied runner (hope that makes sense).

Mosta, any parks nearby, or near enough that you can drive to without having to pay to park? Or can you take mass transit there? Any highschool tracks around? Larger parking garages can be good in the bad weather. Though most are concrete so keep the mileage shorter and you'll probably want to wait until they're empty (nighttime) so you're not breathing noxious amounts of CO2.

And you can be a great runner being 200+ pounds, though it does depend somewhat on your goals and expectations. You very likely won't get back to you HS days if you're near 30 years old, or beyond. It would take a LOT of work to do so. Look for local running clubs, too. Experienced runners almost always can offer good advice and local knowledge on where to run. Anybody who runs, IMO, is a 'good' runner.

Also, try to learn to enjoy running. I know, that may sound a bit masochistic; but at times, try to forget about achieving a certain time or reaching some distance. It's good to do at times, sure. However it is also good to make those secondary or tertiary goals, at times, too. Focus on getting into that 'zone', where you're in tune with your breathing, your pace and you feel as comfortable as one can feel while running (almost meditative). See how long you can hold that, because that is when you pay the least attention to things like time and/or distance. Over time, the more you run, the more you get used to being in that state, and you will naturally be able to increase distance, and your speed will increase some, too. You will also get a little faster as you shed some pounds. Focus on the moment and that area 3 feet in front of you and just keep putting one foot in front of the other.
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