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Old 06-27-2007, 12:34 PM
Duke Duke is offline
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Default Re: The killing of Doc Brown....murder or self defense?

Any self-defense killing has a time variable associated with it. "In the act" means absolutely nothing, aside from the fact that it was close enough to the point of no return that you could be certain but still prevent it. Say T is like 1 second in some case where a guy pulled a gun, aimed it, and is obviously going to shoot you.

Well, if you were paying attention, you could probably have known that the guy was going to shoot you a few seconds earlier. The more information you have, the longer that lag time becomes (between knowing, and it happening).

This is fundamentally the same thing, aside from the fact that T is really really big, because we have the Delorean and can alter the size of T in whichever direction we'd like. In everyday life, we don't have to worry about that because we don't have 88 MPH Deloreans. Laws would definitely have to change if we did.

See: Minority Report.

Then see: The Twilight Zone episode where the mind-reader guy KNEW that the old man was going to rob the bank, and he didn't. He did think about it every day, though.
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