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Old 06-27-2007, 12:05 PM
Xylocain Xylocain is offline
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Default Re: B/F on River .... why?

A thing to note the b/f is that it should not be used too often as it will encurage [observant] people to take shots and bluff at you (they dont have to succeed very often to make it a +EV play for them). You will be making a huge mistake everytime you are folding the best hand against a bluff raise. And it will take a lot of perfect b/f:ing to make up for that.

Also, it is to be used when you are OOP and intend to call anyway, but you are not sure that you have the best hand. By b/f you want to prevent your opponent to check behind with his weak hands that you beat and bet his strong hands.
but I guess that has been said already.
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