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Old 06-27-2007, 11:52 AM
onthebutton onthebutton is offline
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Default Re: People and things that infuriate you way more than they should


1. I'm looking for a parking spot at night. There are no cars behind me and I see a single spot, so I prepare to parallel park. I pull up next to the car in front of the spot, with my turn signal on, and then put it in reverse, with my reverse lights clearly on. Then out of nowhere some idiot speeds up and pulls right up to my bumper. YOU SAW WHAT I WAS DOING, KILL YOURSELF!

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On Nantucket, parking downtown is a nightmare...there is one main lot that is three rows. Each row is one way, so you snake through the parking lot going up one row, down the next, up the third. There is no way to cut to the second row without going all the way up the first. I'm looking for a parking spot one night, and there are two cars behind me. I see a spot open up in the next row over and am about halfway down the first row. I'm obviously headed towards the parking space when the girlfriend of the guy driving the truck behind me jumps out of the car and runs over to STAND in the space in the next row to save it for him.

What is your play here?

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Assault and battery, most likely. This is a Grade A, Class 1 dick move.

Actually, I pull partially into the spot, blocking the other car's access. Mexican standoff ensues. They eventually leave, as it's clear to anyone that you are in the spot.
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