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Old 06-27-2007, 10:53 AM
durron597 durron597 is offline
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Default PM from Sitngo Wizard

Request from the SitNGo Wizard
From: SitNGo Wizard
Greetings durran597,

I am the author of the SitNGo Wizard. I would like to post a message in the STT forum, but before I do I would like to get your approval. The entire message follows and I think it is pretty self explanatory. Please let me know if you have any questions or problems with me posting it.

Best regards,

----- Start of Message-----
The SitNGo Wizard Needs Your Help

I estimate about 90 percent of all criticism of the SitNGo Wizard is directed at its opponent modeling. While it can never be perfect, I am determined to eliminate at least 50 percent of that 90 percent. To achieve that goal, I need your help.

I have posted a series of 4 surveys, each containing some sample hands asking you to estimate an opponent’s hand range. The results of the surveys will be used in the Wizard’s default opponent modeling.

Please follow the link below and take a few minutes to complete the surveys. Each survey should take between 5 and 10 minutes to complete. Even if you cannot finish them all a one time, you can always come back later.

Thanks very much for your help.

----- End of Message-----
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