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Old 06-27-2007, 09:51 AM
Fast Food Knight Fast Food Knight is offline
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Default Re: does the pointlessness of your life bother you?

I believe the feelings of "hopelessness" and "pointlessness" are more a symptom of depression rather than the cause. The first question a shrink or psychologist will often ask to try to determine if a patient is depressed is if he or she feels this way. I have been depressed at times, sometimes for a reason like death or for no reason at all, and I always come back to this notion. I can imagine that having kids is the #1 biggest cure for these feelings.

I honestly believe that our wiring makes us incapable of caring about the pointlessness of our existance.

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I think this is an easy conclusion to come to for a normal person, but I think this is exactly the sort of assumption that drives depressed people crazy. They don't see this "hope floats" attitude as being obvious at all.
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