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Old 06-26-2007, 07:49 PM
mbillie1 mbillie1 is offline
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Default People and things that infuriate you way more than they should

I will start.

I am generally a pretty easy-going person. It takes a good deal to get me worked up. Politics is something I rarely pay much attention to and almost never get particularly wrapped up in. HOWEVER... there is one person in the "political arena" who makes me irrationally angry, to the point where I scream at the tv and go kill babies in strollers on the street. This person doesn't necessarily attack things I believe politically (I'm pretty much a live-and-let-live libertarian) and could probably read the phone book and elicit the same reaction from me. Ann Coulter. My keyboard needs to be thrown out after typing her despicable name.

Otherwise though, I usually find people I disagree with amusing, or I ignore them; it is rare that someone can piss me off as much as Ann Coulter. I am not a violent person, but if I met Ann Coulter on the street, I think it might be worth spending some time in jail just to bust her ugly [censored] face up. She makes me so lividly angry even when I don't care what she's talking about and/or agree with her (note: I'm not sure I've ever agreed with her, I am just illustrating that it is not her views alone that enrage me).

I was watching her on Hardball today, rambling on in her usual c*nt-like fashion, while droves of sexually frustrated losers-from-high-school who never got over it cheered her on in the background. Some of them held up posters of Ann Coulter. God help all of these people if I ever come to any sort of political authority. When I am king you will be first against the wall...

Speaking of God, I have sadly discovered the proof that there is no god. The proof that there is no god is that this hasn't happened yet:

So OOT, what people or things make you as irrationally, unspeakably and vehemently furious as Ann Coulter makes me?

Also, I hate to polltard and this is really not an Ann Coulter post but more of a "such-and-such makes me WAY angrier than it should" post... but I can't resist.
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