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Old 06-26-2007, 09:43 AM
GovmentCheese GovmentCheese is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Madison, WI
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Default Re: Stop snoring advice?

lose weight
stop smoking
see a doc (I had surgery on my deviated septum that helped a lot - including the above 2)

...most products like breathe-right strips don't work. I remember using a spray - that was pretty much olive/canola oil.. that kinda worked. My best solution is to get an extra pillow - and hug it while going to sleep so it's more comfortable to sleep on your side.

good luck. When I had surgery - it didn't work right away, but my gf stopped complaining (wtf else am I going to do?). I only really stopped snoring so much when I learned to sleep on my side and gave up smoking.
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