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Old 06-26-2007, 06:46 AM
oracle3001 oracle3001 is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
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Default Re: Can someone explain \'datamining\' to me?

PT is not designed as a datamining application. PT is an analysis tool. Neither is PA HUD, however it did have a feature which used to allow users to record hand histories from play on UB (I don't know if that is still the case as I don't play their anymore, but again it wasn't really for datamining).

Most sites only record to your hard drive hands which you were actually involved in, and thus simply opening tables and asking PT to import new hands won't do anything.

There are applications which can capture the action even if you aren't sitting at the tables, and if you go onto the PT forums there is a thread which talks about this issue at some length. What applications are out there, which are allowed / banned, and links to them.

Even for sites that allow you to record observed you approach is pretty useless as tables often break leaving you "datamining" an empty table. That is why you require a other application to monitor these situations and take actions for you.
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