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Old 06-25-2007, 03:31 PM
rory rory is offline
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Default Re: Why are Las Vegas cabbies so weird about tips?

I think 8 dollars on that fare is a little low. I'd have rounded up to 7 and then tipped the extra dollar to make it 9 because 1 dollar on 7 seems low. I round up past like .20 usually. Anything below .20 I round down. On things that are close like this one I always just give the extra dollar.

Also I just tell the cabbie as I give him the money how much I want back, so I never get asked how much I want back. It also takes control of the conversation making it less likely to get any flack about the amount I want back. You guys complaining about this are poker players, come on think one step ahead. You know he is going to ask, so answer him ahead of time and you won't be annoyed by the question anymore.
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