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Old 06-25-2007, 09:32 AM
XXXNoahXXX XXXNoahXXX is offline
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Default OOT: Petition for Musical Lists Forum

Seriously WTF?

How does this qualify as discussion, like 1% of the posts even reference any other posts or comment on the song choices.

Top ten songs on your ipod
Name 5 bands that haven't been named yet
90's music party playlist
family cookout soundtrack
songs with intense climaxes
perfect pop song
music and the test of time
looking for some new music

these are just a list of the music threads started in the past like 24 hours in OOT. I love music and I'm all for lots of discussion, but the threads where people are just reading the OP, clicking replying, listing X, then moving on just seems so lame.

sure they might provide a resource for some people, but still, for the most part there doesn't seem to be much meat to most of these posts.

Obviously sometimes these type of posts turn into discussion s and disagreements about particular artists, etc. which can be interesting, but for the most part it reads like some laundry list.

If you want to make a post like these, how about finding some creative way to at least tie the posts together or make it seem like a discussion.

Instead of "post 5 that haven't been mentioned yet", what about the OP lists three songs with links to streams or youtubes and then the thread is "listen to the three songs in the post above yours and give a review. then list three of your own (be sure to provide links to youtube or streams).

Although the reply to the person above you can be tricky sometimes when multiple people reply at once, I think that this would be a much better idea for a music thread and would involve some more discussion when you come back and see how people reviewed the songs you posted.

But for now, I feel like I'm reading the Indie Billboard charts every time I open a thread.

edit: not all of the threads I listed are bad, and on their own, maybe none of them are bad, but when they all appear simultaneously, it gets to be a bit much. also, some generate more discussion than others.
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