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Old 06-25-2007, 08:07 AM
Wolfram Wolfram is offline
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Default Re: Plan of attack with Mid Pair in Blind Battle?

I like a lead. This type of player will raise the flop almost 100%. Especially when the flop has obvious draws that we might be donking. c/c turn unimproved and bet/call river works fine against a special kind of donk, but usually c/c river.

By c/r-ing we're allowing him to play almost perfectly vs us. He calls flop correctly, unless he has AK/AQ/AJ, because we priced him in by bloating the pot, then folds ui on the turn or raises our bet if he has us beat.

Another thing is that when we improve our strength on the turn by hitting an A or 7 we get a c/r in for a big bet.

people need to quit assuming that their opponents are total jackasses that will autobet every street without thinking

Villian is 41/26/2

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But these guys usually are jackasses that will autobet every street.
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