Thread: Matts diet redo
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Old 06-25-2007, 12:10 AM
mattnxtc mattnxtc is offline
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Default Matts diet redo

I know have another thread but I wanted to start this to get focus solely on my diet.

I have come to the realization that I am sabotaging my own diet. I am looking to redo my diet.

My goals:
Cut 20lbs of fat especially around the midsection.
Eat as healthy as I can
Quit cheating.

My Day:
5:30 - Wake up
7:00 - Protein Drink, apple, whole grain cereal
9:00 - 2 servings of peanuts
11:00 - Meat (will vary from chicken, turkey, ham, etc..) Carrots/salad Protein drink
2:00 - 2-3 lite string cheese/ sugar free red bull
6:00 - Ham sandwich (preworkout)
8:00 - Meat/potato/rice/noodles/vegetables (will vary like lunch)
10:00 - Protein Drink
11:00 - Bed

Please critique this. I am wanting to make sure to keep my protein level well above 200grams. Carbs should be in control with this diet. I have not run the numbers yet but this should do good. I am going to be tryin to get a lot of green vegetables in this diet since those arent generally counted.

Thanks for the help
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