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Old 06-25-2007, 12:06 AM
bigpooch bigpooch is offline
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Default Re: 5cd $1/2 - Folding a full house?

You have a bare call here (don't you have any notes?) since
there is a small chance this player could have a completed
draw or even a hand like AAA. You obviously can't reraise
because you need to be about a 2 to 1 favorite here, but
the most frequent hand your opponent will show you is a

On the other hand, your odds actually may not justify a
call because of the relative infrequency this player
("Pleather") will have a completed draw or AAA. Even if
you have pot odds of 4/29, I don't think this specific
player will have a completed flush or straight unless he
happened to start with a straight flush draw or decided to
break a pair of kings so you are hoping that he shows you
AAA. There aren't many straight flush draws and even fewer
king-high flush draws with a pair of kings (since you even
tossed one) and if there were no chance this player could
even have AAA (perhaps you know this player would always
cap it with AAA instead of sometimes calling), a fold does
make sense because then Pleather would be at worst, an 8-1
favorite to show you a boat or better; still, you couldn't
lose too much in the long run if you made a call even in
this case and any time you fold in a spot like this (with a
big pot) you have to be almost certain you're beat. If you
know that Pleather sometimes limps in with a straight flush
draw and never would fail to 4-bet with AAA predraw, then
you seriously have to consider folding!

Generally, you can only think of folding a full house in PL
or NL.
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